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Receta Strawberry Wine
by Global Cookbook

Strawberry Wine
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  • 17 x -20 lbs. frzn strawberries (Use extra if the berries are light in flavor.)
  • 3 gal water (approx.-see recipe)
  • 5 x campden tablets Or possibly 1/4 teaspoon metabisulfite
  • 5 tsp yeast nutrient (or possibly per instructions for 5 gallons)
  • 2 x -1/2 teaspoon dry or possibly 25 drops liquid pectic enzyme
  • 1 pkt champagne yeast
  •     Sparkolloid
  • 4 lb Sugar (maybe a little honey too)


  1. Add in 5 campden tablets Or possibly 1/4 teaspoon metabisulfite, pectic enzyme, and 4 lbs. sugar to the frzn fruit. Leave for 3 days at room temperature. This will aid in extracting the juice from the berries.
  2. Place fruit in straining bag. Place bag and water into primary fermentor to make 5-1/2 gallons. Adjust acid to .65. Add in tartaric acid if needed. Check S.G. and add in sugar to 1.075 if needed. This is lower then normal because strawberries seem to give a false low S.G. reading. Add in yeast nutrient, and 1 pkg. champagne yeast.
  3. When S.G. is about 1.005 lightly hand squeeze fruit bag (do not over squeeze). There should be about 5-1/2 gallons must or possibly slightly less. Rack wine into secondary.
  4. Make sweetened juice using 4 lbs frzn berries, 1 c. sugar and 1/2 teaspoon or possibly 5 drops pectic enzyme. Put into bowl for 1 day at room temperature. Put this mix into a fruit bag and allow clear juice to drip into a container for 24-36 hrs. Don't squeeze the bag. (Clear juice can be frzn till it is added at next racking)
  5. Rack wine again in 3 weeks and add in campden tablets Or possibly 1/4 teaspoon metabisulfite. Add in 2-1/2 teaspoon potassium sorbate. Add in clear sweetened juice.
  6. Rack again in 3-5 weeks and Sparkolloid.
  7. Rack 1 week later. Verify sulfite level is 40-75ppm. Add in campden tablets Or possibly metabisulfite if needed. Sweeten with sugar syrup to taste (if needed), filter and bottle.