Receta Sweet And Sour Pork Ribs
- Find a great price on spareribs in the supermarket Divide your purchase into three-lb. portions and cook as in step 2. Cold, place in freezer bags and freeze till needed. While the grill is heating up, defrost the ribs in the microwave.
- About 1/2 hour before cooking, prepare barbecue grill.
- Cut pork between rib bones into serving-size portions. Place ribs meaty side down in 2- or possibly 3-qt rectangular microwaveproof dish, with thicker portions toward outside of dish (overlapping ribs if necessary). Cover with wax paper and microwave on High for 5 min, then on Medium for 15 min. Turn ribs over; place less-cooked pcs toward outside of dish. Cover again and microwave on Medium for 15 min, or possibly till tender.
- Place ribs on grill over medium-warm coals. (Coals should be ash-gray with no flame.) Cook for 10 min, turning once and basting with 1/2 c. Sweet-and-Sour sauce.
- Serve with remaining sauce.
- (This sauce can be made and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.)
- (This quick and easy sauce is wonderful with barbecued ribs and poultry.)
- In 2-c. glass measure, combine all ingredients.
- Microwave on High for 4 to 5 min, stirring once, till boiling.
- Makes 1 c..
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