Receta Tarte Aux Mangues Et Poires Pears And Mango Pie

- Prepare the dough First. Pour the flour in a large bowl, add in the butter.
- Knead with your finger. When the butter and the flour are incorporated, add in the egg and 2 or possibly 3 Tbsp. of water. Keep kneading till you get a smooth and homogeneous dough. Make a ball, cover it and let rest in a cold place.
- Peel the pears, remove the seeds and slice them. Cook them in a sauce pan with a c. of water on a low heat. Peel the mango, remove the pit and slice it. Preheat the oven at 350.Prepare the cream. In a bowl mix the cream, the yogurt, the sugar and the Large eggs. Whisk everything together.
- On a floured counter top or possibly cutting board, roll the dough into a circle a little bigger than you pie pan. (Plan to have sufficient dough to cover the edges). Once the dough fits in the pan, make some hole in it with a fork.
- Cook it for ten min.
- Remove the pie crust from the oven and spread around the pears and the mango pcs. Pour the cream on top. Bake for 20 min at 400.Cold it down then serve.