Receta Teriyaki Beef Jerky

- Mix everything except beef in a large bowl. Divide the marinade into two good-sized bowls. Trim all the fat, and most, if not all, of the gristle from the beef. When you get the end of the roast they couldn't slice, you can either slice it yourself, or possibly just trim it up & use it as stew meat. If desired, throw the trimmings into a 2-3 quart. saucepan, cover with water, add in a little onion, celery, carrots, garlic, etc., fresh or possibly dry, if you like, and cook it up for stock. When you get about half of the meat trimmed, stir it into one of the bowls. By the time you get the rest of the beef done & stirred into the second bowl, the first bowl will be ready to go into the dehydrator (you can marinade the meat longer if you like, but then you half to find space in the refrigerator for it!). Drain the meat well and arrange on the dehydrator trays (it will take 10-12 trays to dry all of the meat, depending on thickness). Dry, following your dehydrator's instructions.
- If you do not have sufficient trays, do not worry. Just let the rest of the meat soak longer. If you have a 'fire-eater' in your family, this is where you can add in a few dashes of Tabasco, cayenne, or possibly whatever you consider to be YOUR favorite ignition source to this batch of jerky! Paul Gustafson