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Receta The Big Blue Chill Mocktail
by Marlene Baird

This Big Blue Chill Mocktail is a classic homemade vanilla cream soda perfect for the holidays or even a baby shower.

The Big Blue Chill Mocktail Author: Marlene Baird Nutrition Information Serving size: 298 g

Calories: 39

In a small bowl add the syrup and the food coloring. Set side Fill your glasses with some ice. Pour the club soda into the glass. Add the colored vanilla syrup Just before serving add the Half & Half to the soda/ syrup mixture. Serve with whipped cream and a blueberry on top, 3.2.2925

It’s the eve of the New Year!

A perfect time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future.

The essence of of the new year celebration is and will be different to each and everyone of us.

May you always look ahead this New Year without being held back by any backlog so that when you finally reach your destination you can look back upon the memories with fondness.

Make your resolution to live each day to your best potential. That’s all that I ask. Treat everyone you meet they way you would want to be treated. Kindness, respect, and a smile can go a long way.

Perhaps if we each did this, the world will slowly become a better place for those who will set foot on this earth long after we are gone.

Happy New Year to all of you and yours. In Maltese ” Is-sena t-tajba “.


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