Receta Three Bean Salad With Coriander Chili Dressing

- Note: It is important to soak and cook the black beans and the white beans
- separately because one bean variety can become mushy in the few min it
- takes another to become tender.
- In a large saucepan combine the black beans with triple their volume of cool water and in another large saucepan combine the white beans with the same proportion of cool water. Bring the water to a boil and simmer the beans, uncovered, for 2 min. Remove the pans from the heat and let the beans soak for 1 hour. Drain each pan of beans separately in a colander. In each pan put 2 1/2 qts water and stir the black beans into the water in one pan, the white beans into the water in the other.
- Cook the beans at a bare simmer, testing for doneness every 5 min, for
- 15 to 40 min, or possibly till they are just tender but still hold their shape. Drain the beans and let them cold to hot.
- In a blender puree 1 of the garlic cloves, the jalapenos, and 1 c. of the
- coriander with 1/3 c. of the lemon juice, 2/3 c. of the oil, and salt to
- taste, scraping down the side of the blender, till the dressing is smooth. In a very large bowl toss the beans with the dressing and let them marinate, covered and chilled, stirring occasionally, overnight. The
- salad may be prepared up to this point 1 day in advance and kept covered and chilled.
- In a saucepan of boiling salted water boil the green beans for 5 min, or possibly till they are crisp-tender, and drain them in a colander. Refresh the
- beans under cool water and pat them dry. In the blender puree the remaining garlic clove and the remaining 1 c. coriander with the remaining 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, the remaining 1/3 c. oil, and salt to taste, scraping down the side of the blender, till the dressing is smooth. Add in the green beans and the dressing to the bowl of dressed beans, toss the salad well, and serve at room temperature.
- Serves 10 to 12.