Receta turkey meat loaf

- Preheat oven to 375 F. Spray the mold pan with nonstick spray, set aside. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat, or in tilt grill. add the garlic, onions, and celery.
- Cook until softened, about 5 minutes, stirrring occasionally. transfer the vegetables to a large bowl. Add the remaining meat loaf ingredients and mix well, but do not over mix.
- Place the meat loaf mixture in the prepared ring molds. invert ring mold on to sheet pan. form meat loaf with long wide spatula (dipping the spatula in water) sealing any wholes or cracks in the loaf.
- Place meat loaf in oven and let cool for approximately 15 minutes. Slice, and pan-up meat loaf garnish qith aujus and chopped parsley.