Receta VeganMoFo #11: Sauseech 'n Peppahz [Repost]
Repost from March 2, 2011
Served with a nice ice cold bottle of Brooklyn Brewery Co. Pilsner
Mac gets these cravings once in a while where she just has to have a certain kind of good. Once, it was for anything "saucy." Another time, it was chocolate. Another time, it was French fries. I don't know where it comes from. So, when Mac was craving sausage and peppers last week, it through me for a loop.
What a coincidence it was to be talking with a fellow vegan about sausage and peppers! She gave me a head's up on Tofurky Italian sausage, which she said was really close to the real thing. Being Italian...correction Sicilian...being authentic in cooking is very important. I passed the word on the sausage to Mac, and we picked some up.
The next evening, Mac was determined to make sausage and peppers. Funny enough, she waited until I got home to make sure she was making them right. Plus, when we were meat eaters, Mac raved whenever I made sausage and peppers. Not to brag or anything!
We went through the basics with the olive oil, garlic, onions and peppers. However, the key is to slow cook the vegetables to get them soft yet slightly crunchy. Another thing I do is add a bit of white wine to bring out the flavor and spice of the "meat" yet not killing the peppers and onions. Usually, it's a Chardonnay, but even a White Zinfandel goes nicely (I'm not a sommelier).
You can serve the sausage whole in toasted torpedo rolls or sliced up as it is or with a bit of spaghetti.Try it out and let us know what you think!
Macachoke's Sauseech 'n Peppahz
Source: Macaroon Playing with Artichoke's Recipe
Serves 4
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 2 medium bell peppers, sliced
- 2 tbsp. white wine
- 1 pkg. Tofurky Italian Sausage
- Salt and pepper, to taste
In a skillet set on medium heat, add the olive oil and garlic cloves. Saute garlic until slightly browned
Add sliced onion and saute onions until translucent
Lower heat, add peppers and cover with lid. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add wine and continue to cook for another 10 minutes.
Uncover pan and add sausages. Brown on all sides
Place sausages in rolls and top with peppers and onions