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Receta Watermelon Granita Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

Sicily is well known for its arancini and granita, neither of which we got to sample while we were there. We found one gelataria that had granita, but they looked awful – not even the coffee flavoured one enticed me. I decided that I would make my own and chose a watermelon granita as my flavour to experiment with. I have a juicer which would get more use if I had the space, but it was well worth getting down to juice the watermelon. You could purée your watermelon and then pass it through a sieve if you don’t have a juicer. I used the left over watermelon to quench my thirst, and I used the granita to make a vodka cocktail for a hot afternoon cool me down drink.

Have you made your own granita, or tasted some and which flavour do you like best?

Watermelon Granita Recipe

Adapted from Giorgio Locatelli's Made in Sicily page 384



Warm the orange juice in a sauce pan over a medium heat

Add the sugar and stir until dissolved

Remove from the heat and leave to cool

Cut your watermelon into chunks, removing the peel, and juice

Pass through a sieve to get your 800 grams

Add the watermelon juice and lemon juice to the orange syrup

Mix well and pour into a lidded container that can go into the freezer

Remove every hour and whisk - do this until the ice crystals begin to form

Leave to freeze completely before scraping off the granita with a fork, to serve

Best used within the first 3 days of maming


Recipe from Lavender & Lime Blog ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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About Tandy Sinclair

I am a foodie who is passionate about regional and seasonal produce. I live in a cottage by the sea with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.