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Receta Weeknight Side Dish
by Krista Marshall

How have your days been lately? Super busy? Not enough hours in the day? Feel like your to do list is never ending. You cross one thing out and three more get added? I feel you. Seriously. We are in the same boat. Even being home more isn't changing how much I need to do, and I know all you out there who are still working from home, or the kids have remote learning, or both, know exactly what I'm talking about. There are truly days I put Max to bed and wonder what I accomplished in the day even though I know I got things done. It never feels like enough. All of you know I am a meal planner from way back. It's the only way I know how to function and I truly don't think there has been one day in our 17 year marriage that dinner time rolled around and I said "I have no earthly idea what to make for supper." Heck, when I still worked outside the home, before Alex was born, I had a dry erase board on the fridge with the meals wrote out so if Adam beat me home from work, he could start cooking. I told you it's always been the way I have done it. Sure, I switch things around here and there when life demands it, but for the most part, the meal plan I sat down and made this past Friday will be the way it goes for the next 7 days. No matter how much this system works for me, I also know without a doubt there are many out there who have another way. A more "fly by the seat of your pants" approach, and when you need to come up with something quick, and don't want to put too much effort in, these potatoes are for you!A tasty side dish to really any meal, these roasted potatoes are done just a little different than others I've made. Usually it is season, throw on the pan and bake. But for these, you want to take the couple extra minutes it takes to make sure they are flesh side down. This will allow them to get extra crispy on the outside while still being buttery and delicious on the inside. If your daily planner is filled to the brim and you agonize over dinnertime every night, try doing a little meal planning of your own. Maybe not quite as meticulous as me, but a few mental notes of things you could have so a plan is already in the works on those days when you just can't do one more thing.  Crispy Roasted Potatoes3 lbs. baby red potatoes, halved1/4 c. olive oil1 tsp. dried rosemary1 tsp. garlic powder1 tsp. salt1/2 tsp. black pepper Preheat a large baking sheet in oven set to 400. In a large bowl mix all ingredients. Stir to coat. Place potatoes flesh side down on hot pan. Roast for 30-40 minutes until tender and crispy.*NOTE* For this recipe you want to look for the "size B" red potatoes.