Receta Whole30- The Tiger Blood Days 16 and 17
Tiger Blood! Are any of you familiar with what THIS is in reference to? Lollolololl. Yes, Charlie Sheen in his whacked out, drug induced manic you-tube posts....WOW....that would be an interesting look on me! However, I am not sure if I will scare or entertain my middle schoolers with that portrayal. 😸 Sadly, I am not looking, acting or feeling like THAT. Drat. Maybe I would feel like cleaning the house from top to bottom with THAT energy. But it's all good. At least I feel good and happy.
Day 16 Menu-
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 homemade sausage patties (no, I still am not tired of this, it's already made, convenient, I can mix it up on the weekend)
Lunch: Chicken salad, with onions, shredded carrots and peppers with homemade mayo (this was the last of the roasted chicken I made the day before I started-great value of time and energy) and almond butter drizzled banana chunks. Finished a half bottle of kombucha.
Dinner: Leftover chili on a veggie mix, the last of the leftover chicken poppers (sauteed peppers, onions and zucchini in ghee) and orange slices.
Day 17 Menu-
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 slices of bacon
Lunch: Leftover veggies and chili and romaine salad
Dinner: Sauteed peppers and onions, organic Italian sausages, 1/2 sweet potato with ghee (not seen sliced oranges)
More notations:
Still no allergy meds. Next, do any of you get those annoying bumps on your upper arms? I did. Gone! Now, I didn't have the chronic bump problem that were pervasively sand paperish and I have seen or accidentally touched on other girls. But mine were minor enough, that I could detect them. I couldn't loofah enough in the shower or moisturize to get rid of them. The joint pain is radically diminished but faint disappears over the day. As for the heel pain, it too fades over the day, which I think is more weight related than food reaction. I had this many years ago when I was at my heaviest (365 lbs, yeah, I will own it) although I am not close to that anymore but I really believe the joint and heel pains was my body's way to stop me earlier from getting bigger again. My body was used to being so much lighter since 2005 that by starting the heel pain again to light a fire under my butt and do something. And I did, fire lit! Yesterday was the first day that I felt and looked different when I got dressed in the morning and that is awesome. Nothing worse than getting dressed every morning and by passing the mirror because you don't even wanna look. Now I do!
Tiger Blood -Raawwwrrrrr🙀