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Receta Yes! Soup For You..Plus The Rules Of The Game! Win A Ceramic Chicken Cooker From Early Morning Pottery.
by kathy gori


Yes! Soup For You..Plus The Rules Of The Game! Win A Ceramic Chicken Cooker From Early Morning Pottery.

I love Meatless Monday. One reason is because it overlaps into Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday too! Whee! Leftovers.

Soup is a natural for left over meals. Especially chilled summer soups like the one I prepared yesterday. This soup involves no cooking, no muss, no fuss. All you need is a blender or food processor, a frying pan and you're good to go.

Here's what you do.

Peel, chop and seed 1 large cucumber

Place it in a blender or food processor with 2 and 1/2 cups of plain yogurt.

Blend until smooth.

1 tsp ground dry roasted cumin seeds.

Mix it up, cover the bowl and stick it in the fridge to chill.

I served it with a thin slice of cucumber floating on top and a sprig of fresh mint.

Delish. You can also spice it up a bit with a dash of kashmiri chili, it's up to you.

Now for The Contest

The Colors of Indian Cooking is celebrating its' 1st Blogiversary this month and I will be giving away some prizes, generously donated by Jerry and Jerry Of Early Morning Pottery.

They are the makers of Vertical Ceramic Chicken Cookers. Paula Wolfert gave us one of these cookers for our anniversary last year. They work like a dream. No fuss, no muss, perfect birds every time.

Now I'm passing these little gems on to you.

I have been given 2 Chicken Cookers and 1 set of Game Hen Cookers to give to 3 lucky winners.

The Winners will be chosen at random but there are a couple of rules to enter.

Rule 1

On Your Blog: Post about The Colors Of Indian Cooking and this contest on your blog


On Twitter: Tweet about The Colors Of Indian Cooking. (Include @kathygori in your Tweet)


On Facebook: Become a Fan of The Colors Of Indian Cooking Facebook Page here and talk about it on your Facebook status.

Rule 2

Leave a comment on this blog with a link to your activity.

That's it.

The 3 Winners will be randomly selected on June 14th. I'll contact you and get all the info so we can send the cookers on their merry way.

Good luck!