Receta Zucchini Salad

- First, slice the leek into paper-thin rounds. Put the rounds in a bowl filled with water, swish them around a bit and then let the leeks soak for a few minutes, allowing all the sand and dirt to fall to the bottom of the bowl. Gently pull out the leeks, being careful not to stir up the dirt on the bottom. Give them a final rinse and place on paper towels to dry.
- Next, get out that mandolin and start slicing the zucchini into paper-thin rounds. It helps to make a very straight first cut with the knife when you cut the stem off. Place all the zucchini in an overlapping pattern on a pretty platter.
- Sprinkle the zucchini rounds with the lemon juice, olive oil, salt & pepper. Place a piece of plastic wrap over it and put in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. I usually let mine sit for about 30 minutes, or until dinner is ready.
- Just before serving, sprinkle the leeks over the zucchini, putting on as many or as little as you prefer. Next, scatter around small dollops of ricotta cheese all over the zucchini, again using as much or as little as you like. Finally, sprinkle the parsley and dill over the entire plate. I also give it a final spritz of lemon juice just before serving.
- Recipe adapted from Tyler Florenceâs Zucchini Carpaccio