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Country Cooking

Country Cooking

I love fried chicken,mashed taters,corn-bread & sweet iced tea!! Now That's Southern Cooking at it's best!!

Kathy Young 1 evaluación
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"Q" Tips

"Q" Tips

These are tips for BBQing

Jim Sposato 3 evaluaciónes
1 comentario
Fiesta (A Guide to Southwestern Tex Mex Hispanic Cooking)

Fiesta (A Guide to Southwestern Tex Mex Hispanic Cooking)

A guide to my special blend of Southwestern, Tex-Mex, Spanish, Mexican, & South/Central American style cooking. Uses traditional Hispanic cooking…

Wendi Taylor 0 evaluaciónes
17 comentarios
Fruit AND Veggie Salads

Fruit AND Veggie Salads

Different salads that incorporate two food groups that most Canadians don't get enough of!

Ashley Tozer 1 evaluación
2 comentarios
Cook and Entertain

Cook and Entertain

Most of my recipes have been tested on groups of friends and family. Some have been hot hits at many a gathering at home or work

Malli 0 evaluaciónes
0 comentarios


Food presentation is an essential ingredient in any worthy gastronomic feast,typically this encompasses colour, texture, arrangement,configuration…

Brent Richards 0 evaluaciónes
0 comentarios


sweets, food

Princess Kahani 0 evaluaciónes
4 comentarios
I love to cook!!1

I love to cook!!1

I really enjoy cooking a lot!!!!

Marlin Hammonds 1 evaluación
14 comentarios
My Recipes

My Recipes

I am an avid recipe searcher, my main goal is healrhy, low carb, low sodium recipes.

Gwen 0 evaluaciónes
0 comentarios
Recipes for me.

Recipes for me.

I'm always on the look out for interesting recipes I can try at home. At the present time I'm trying to create a family .avorites recipe book

Gwen 0 evaluaciónes
5 comentarios