Acerca de mí
I call myself a "chef in training." I have a kind of new passion for cooking. I say kind of because my Mom told me I used to always have her hold me when she was cooking because I was curious about what she was doing. Growing up I was always into art (drawing, painting, comp graphics.) I was around 20 when I took over for someone at a barbecue when they got too drunk. LoL I was a HIT since then, I became fascinated with cooking! I also discovered I like it somewhat better than art, it seems more lucrative, and satisfying, so I'm getting more into it. Now I'm at the point where I'm getting serious about it; hungry for more knowledge and skill.
Influencias de Cocina
Well, when I was a toddler, I used to watch my Mom cook, and sometimes have her hold me to see what she was doing. I would see what some of my relatives were cooking, and wonder how they did it.. I cooked for my little sis as a kid, and she loved my cooking, but I wasn't too serious about it.. It was that one day I took over for someone.. I was astounded by the flavors I created. I couldn't believe I made that stuff, and it's been kind of up hill since.