Chef Estados Unidos

Debbie Rapsky Perfil
Living gluten free
Puntos de
Acerca de mí
I am a lucky lady, I have a wonderful husband and 2 wonderful sons and a beautiful step daughter. I also have great friends, who have been through thick and thin with me. I was diagnosed in 2010 with Celiac Disease and several months later 3 other autoimmune diseases. My body just doesn't like me any more. Celiac Disease has given me some challenges along with the Sjögren’s Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and now a form of Lupus.
But I have great things that have happen from all of this. A friend of mine and I started No Gluten Natural Girl Products. We have our own line of gluten free makeup and other gluten free products. I also learned to tweet on Twitter, I blog and I am on almost every social network know to man. I have meet extraordinary people that I might have never meet had it not been for the health issues. So when one door closes another one does open.
Influencias de Cocina
Being Italian, growing up and raised by my grandmother she was my biggest influence. I loved to watch and help her cook, everything from scratch, a pinch here and there. When I would ask her how much she would open my hand and pour in the amount and say that much. I'm the only one in the family that knows how to make some of her recipes. I miss her so. Sadly when I was diagnosed with Celiac disease my love for cooking left me, I was no longer allowed to enjoy the wonderful dishes I had loved to cook that my grandmother taught me and had no desire to try to figure out how to remake them gluten free. My sister is the baker in the family and she made one of my grandmothers cookies, it took her gosh I dont know how my times to get it right, but for my birthday last year 2 years into being gluten free she surprised me and made my grandmother Almond Slices and I cried. They tasted so good, just like grams. So now I want to get back to cooking, cooking the things that I used to love to make, the things my gram and I cooked.
Libros de Recetas Preferidos
- Gluten Free Cooking for Dummies (Danna Korn, Connie Sarros)
- My first book when I was diagnosed, it was very helpful
Chefs quienes recomiendo
- Melinda Tucker (TX)
- I met melinda on Facebook and post her recipes on my blog, she is a wonder person and has a show @ where you can see her cook. I believe she is from Texas but I will check on that.
Restaurantes que recomiendo
- Any resturant (Chicago & Surrounding Suburbs, IL)
- I find if you explain your allergy most will accomadate you