Chef Estados Unidos

Guilt Free Cuisine by Fergyhun Perfil
Healthy eating enthusiast
Birmingham, AL (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Martes, 02 de Agosto de 2011
Cocinero Intermedio
Chef Activo, Fotógrafo Superior, 315 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 15
Recetas - 66
Fotos - 154
Evaluaciones - 6
Comentarios - 48
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 31
Grupos - 0
Temas - 0
Total - 315
Acerca de mí
I'm a healthy eating enthusiast, rookie triathlete (just the very easy ones), freelance marketer, mom of one and British transplant living in the American South.
I love food, cooking and discovering the best local ingredients and dishes in the places I live and travel to.
In recent years I've become interested in lightening up our family meals - cutting down on saturated fats, adding a little more of the good stuff. And I often remind myself, at least wine is fat free!
Influencias de Cocina
My mother and anywhere I have lived or travelled to, in particular my time spent living in France and Scotland.
Chefs quienes recomiendo
- Tom Lewis (Balquidder, Reino Unido)
- Frank Stitt (Birmingham, AL)
- Jamie Oliver (London, Reino Unido)
- Apart from his cooking I love what he is doing to encourage healthy food in schools.
Restaurantes que recomiendo
- Monachyle Mhor (Balquidder, Reino Unido)
- My all-time favourite restaurant!
- The Boat House (Nelson, Nueva Zelandia)
- Sensational seafood and I can still taste the cappuccino creme brulee
- Three Chimneys (Isle of Skye , Reino Unido)
- Stunning food year after year, one of the best restaurants in the UK
- Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, (Loch Fyne, Reino Unido)
- The BEST smoked and roast-smoked salmon to be found anywhere. If you live in the UK they also do mail order. Beautiful setting at the head of Loch Fyne.
- 27 de Abril de 2012Your recipes are so interesting! Hope you enjoy the great state of Alabama! I live about 1 1/2 hours away from birmingham!4 replies
- 28 de Abril de 2012Hi Julie - thanks for the message! Yes I really enjoy living in Alabama - from a food point of view I love the Gulf fish and seafood and the local produce. Being from England, I do struggle a bit with the summer heat!! I look forward to checking out your recipes too.
- 29 de Abril de 2012I totally agree about the seafood! The next time you're at Gulf Shores go check out King Neptune's Seafood. It's a little hole in the wall that's been there for years! My family and I have been eating there since around 1998, its been in business since the 80's. We've never had a bad meal there and the deep fired cheesecake is wonderful (though not exactly healthy lol). The shrimp florentine at the Oyster House is great too!
- 15 de Mayo de 2012Julie - thanks for the tip, I'll try King Neptune's and the Oyster House next time I'm down there.
- 08 de Septiembre de 2011Judee - thanks for stopping by! I am also following you too. I only had time for a quick look at your recipes today but I'll be back soon, they look amazing.
- 08 de Septiembre de 2011You have some great recipes. Looking forward to seeing more. I am now following you. Hope you'll stop by and visit me too.