I have a very large collection on Nuwave recipes. I have converted many of my favorites recipes for the nuwave. Please do not get discoraged, I can help and they are easy recipes. The secret is take your recipes you bake @ 350 degrees. Reduce the cooking time by half and watch it the first time though. If it started to get to brown, cover it with tin foil at the start or 1/2 though. Depending on how you want to do it. I will cover a cake and cook it 1/2 way though and then remove the foil, for the remaining cooking time. This way the cake will not get to brown. My nuwave has been with me 5 + years and stil the same one & I use it almost daily.
nuwave how to use
edgewood, NM (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Miércoles, 12 de Noviembre de 2008
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