Acerca de mí
I love to cook. I love to eat. I love spending time with family and friends while doing both.
Influencias de Cocina
My mom is my biggest cooking influence. She makes everything look easy. I've always been spoiled by fabulous food at my parents and grandparents (and, come to think of it, way back when, great-grandparents too) homes. Plus, being lovers of food, our family always celebrated at great restaurants, as well. I started cooking at a young age - took classes at the Y, home ec in Jr. High, etc. Lately, I've taken classes at the San Francisco Baking Institute, which is an incredible place to learn about the art and science of baking (even if you can't reproduce much of what you learn at home....). I'm probably a more adventuresome cook than my mom, but that is a product of the times and the fact that I live in California now (way better produce).