Chef Estados Unidos

Tamara Daugherty Perfil
Seed-Time & Harvest
Plantersville, TX (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Martes, 25 de Mayo de 2010
Cocinero Avanzado
Chef Activo, 119 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 14
Recetas - 4
Fotos - 20
Evaluaciones - 15
Comentarios - 15
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 50
Grupos - 6
Temas - 0
Total - 119
Motivated by the new year, I'm gathering a selection of my tested recipes to post in the following weeks, including a selection of my signature dishes. Gourmetmama's Experimental Kitchen has been busy!
Acerca de mí
I test and refine every recipe I find as well as creating my own signature dishes. I believe that anyone who loves to cook good food can create restaurant-quality gourmet dishes in their own home kitchen.
Influencias de Cocina
I've spent over 20 years watching all the great chefs, local restaurant chefs & cooks, first studying the basics of French & Italian cooking (without going to culinary school) as well as paying special attention to all types of cultural cuisine in order to learn the secrets to gourmet-quality dishes. The "Kitchen" should always be the laboratory from which duplication and refinement of good foods can take flight. And, of course, to be shared with family, friends, and beyond.
Libros de Recetas Preferidos
- Silver Spoon (English Publisher - Phaidon 95)
- Italy's best-selling cookbook for over 50 years. Compiled by Editoriale Domus. 1st time in English.
- Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Julia Childs)
- Good cooking can only begin with the basic foundation, no matter what you cook.
- Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads (Bernard Clayton, Jr.)
- You won't need to worry about breadmaking anymore. Recipes are breath-taking and delicious!
Chefs quienes recomiendo
- Wolfgang Puck (Los Angeles, CA)
- Great chef to follow. His kitchen is always full of adventures in achieving great pasta dishes, including pizzas! He's got a sense for what ingredients creates great sauces.
- Steven Raichlen (Miami, FL)
- I learned a lot from BBQ USA and Raichlen's Indoor Grilling.
Restaurantes que recomiendo
- Benihana (The Woodlands, TX)
- Great Japanese food catered to the Western palette with delightful entertainment from the Chefs.
- 13 de Enero de 2012Hi Tamara and welcome to CES! I'm looking forward to sharing recipes and ideas with you. Thanks for the follow!
- 10 de Junio de 2011I will be honored to see your ideas and recipes. I love seeing new ways of preparing foods!
- 10 de Junio de 2011I am delighted to share ideas & recipes with you on C-E-S. I hope you will try one of my postings. Best regards, Amos
- 30 de Mayo de 2011Hi, I am your new follower. Please visit my blog for some delectable Indian curries at Looking forward to share a lot of recipes with you.
- 05 de Noviembre de 2010Thank you for following me - I anticipate sharing lots of tasty recipes! Stacey
- 16 de Octubre de 2010Tamara: A while back you commented about my blog and asked how I designed it. I've changed the strawberry theme since our last "chat". The header is a photo of a picture that hangs in my kitchen given to me by my Grandfather Joseph. I always loved that picture and thought it would look nice on a blog. Not sure if you still need help setting up your own blog. If you do, please, let me know. N - 09 de Septiembre de 2010Thanks for the blog compliment...It might be too busy for some bloggers, but it is so "foodie". My very first kitchen (way back when) was decorated in strawberries and it brought back so many fond memories when I saw it. Go to that's where I got the background, etc. But the template is Bloggers (blogspot). If you need help let me know....and hey...waiting for your first recipe. Come on, girl...share ;) N - 06 de Septiembre de 2010Hi Tamara: Hope you're enjoying your time on CES...isn't it a great family of foodies? I'd like to extend an invite to you to join Porky Pig...That's Not All's anything pork, like bacon, ham etc. Would love for you to add your recipes. Think about it. Thanks. N - 01 de Junio de 2010You sound like a great chef, Tamara. I can't wait to try some of the recipes you share!