Creador: Nancy Miyasaki

Can't add recipes from my blog

Trish Cowper
Trish Cowper 08 de Noviembre de 2011

I'm hoping someone can help. I've been using CES for a while and my blog posts have been happily picked up by CES and added to my recipes here on the site. Recently this has all changed and i don't know why....
Anyone else having this problem?
I use wordpress and recently changed my theme -- but it's really nothing crazy different from the last theme I used.
I also started using Windsor Live Writer (have you tried this!! OMG does it every make writing easier) and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

Regardless - even when I go to add a new recipe from my blog manually - CES says it can't find a recipe at that URL.

What am I doing wrong? Help please!


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John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood Viernes, 11 de Noviembre de 2011 a las 07:33 PM
Re: Can't add recipes from my blog

This issue has been fixed. Thanks for bringing it to our attention and I apologize for the delay. Is all good with you now, Trish?

Trish Cowper
Trish Cowper Viernes, 11 de Noviembre de 2011 a las 09:47 PM
Re: Can't add recipes from my blog

Thank you!! Much better....

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