Creador: Linda Cantwell

Nuwave recipes

Chris Carr 14 de Agosto de 2009

I am looking for nuwave recipes and wondering if anyone knows how to bake in the nuwave e.g. cookies, cupcakes, etc.

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Linda Cantwell Viernes, 02 de Octubre de 2009 a las 02:49 AM
Re: Nuwave recipes

Chris, I got my Nuwave just before I left for Colorado 6 months ago. I plan to start using it now that I am back home in Texas and will post my recipes and my progress. Have you tried anything yet? I baked muffins in it using individual disposable foil muffin containers that I just spread around on the lower rack. Baking on the lower rack enables the inside of the muffins to cook. Good luck.

J BELL Domingo, 13 de Diciembre de 2009 a las 12:18 PM
Re: Nuwave recipes

I did wonder about cooking cakes and where to put them rack wize? I suppose it would be good for smaller quantities.

What time would you use? I read that it is about 75% of the normal sure as I havent tried yet.


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