Chef Nueva Zelandia

J BELL Perfil
NU WAVE- Quick & Easy Healthy Meals
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Hi my Name is J (jay), I live in NZ and have a wonderful hubby of 41 years. We have a wonderful selection of foods to choose from here all at resonable costs so you can pretty much cook what you enjoy.
I loved cooking from when I was 8 when I tried to cook some biscuits when my parents were out. What does cream the butter and sugar MEAN?? oh well chuck it like Mum and mix it all together. Well they ran all over the oven tray and what a mess. I cleaned it all up and being a child I just put them in the rubbish tin. Of course MUMS know everything and asked me what I had been doing???? Isaid I tried to cook you some biscuits...they thought it was rather cute, but of course were worried about if there had been a real accident with the started my cooking career.
I got a prize for the making the best scones in class when I was 12 and I still make the best scones today. HOWEVER I have only just mastered how to makea pavlova -finallllyyyyyyy.......But that is the absolute fun of never stops.
Recently I went to an authentic Indian cooking course for a term. One night a week. Wow does the food taste totally different than you can buy in some shops. My favourtie was the curry and it was not really hot but rather lovely and spicey as we mixed our ingredients together to make this. mmmmmm and the lemon rice is just wonderful. Also I had to get used to the different way they cook which was different than my european way. All lovely though........I wont overlook indian again.
As it is Christmas I have been busy making people Christmas cakes. I have learned that mixing your own fruit is far superior than just buying the pre-mix and yesterday we cut into the cake for a dinner and mmmmmm what a ice cake this left a wonderful light fruity taste on the taste buds which really want more...yum yum.
I am a dedicated Mum and Nana who loves her family dearly and always will. I do have a career which I changed over too after an accident and my concentration was not able to sustain the high tech job I used to have. I am now Massage Therapist, also Bowen and Pulsing Therapist which is doing well.
I have 3 dogs and 3 cats......I also breed tropical fish for fun and selling. I specialize in guppies. Many people say these are easy to breed as yes that is true but not many people can grow them to there best size and beauty by selective breeding. A few of us are trying to keep the strains pure so we dont loose them. Another fun hobby.
The dogs are one very large labby x english bull terrior, 14 years young, & two lil year old chihuahuas which are my companions and we will be breeding them next year. I have been a breeder before and love to bring these lil puppies into the world and find good homes for them.
My newest appliance is a NuWave Oven which I am loving already.
Take care and Merry Christmas and all the best for 2110
Libros de Recetas Preferidos
- Wonderful no nonsense cook
- 13 de Mayo de 2010Hello my name is Pat Lynch I recently purchased the Nu Wave oven myself, and I am in need of some recipes to use with it. My husband Avery is a pastor and has high blood pressure as well as diabetes. I also have two grandchildren who live with me and I am looking for healthy snacks for them also. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Thanks so much for your time and help..
- 27 de Diciembre de 2009Creaming the butter and sugar - mix until creamy. with a spoon or beater :)