This mild-flavored squash looks like a wrinkled, pale green pear. It needs to be cooked before serving, and for a longer time than other summer squash. You should peel a chayote before cooking it, but don't take the seed out--it's edible and tasty. Cooked chayotes make good low-fat substitutes for avocados.
Also known as
- Chayote
- Cho-cho
- Chocho
- Christophene
- Chuchu
- Mango squash
- Mirliton
- Pear squash
- Vegetable pear
- Sousous
- Choko
- Custard marrow
- Pepinella
- Pepinello
- Xuxu
- Xoxo
zucchini (stonger flavor, cooks more quickly) OR kohlrabi OR other summer squash OR carrots OR bell peppers (for stuffing)