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This exquisite brandy has a soft apple fragrance. Calvados = calva (cal-VAH-dohs) is the French version, applejack = apple jack is the inferior American version. Calvados is ranked much like cognac. The very best Calvados are labeled Napoleon, Extra Old (XO), Extra, or Hors D'Age. After that comes VSOP, Vieille Reserve, or VO. Next come Vieux or Reserve Calvados, then those with three stars or three apples on their labels.

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Also known as

  • Apple brandy
  • Eau-de-vie de cidre
  • Eau-de-vie de marc de cidre
  • Calvados
  • Calva
  • Applejack
  • Apple jack


pear brandy OR equal parts apple juice concentrate and cognac
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