
cream Varieties: Creams vary according to the amount of butterfat they have. Lightest of all is half & half , which is half milk, half cream and weighs in with a butterfat content between 10.5 - 18%. It can't be whipped, but it's nice with coffee, or on cereal. Light cream = coffee cream = table cream is richer at 18 - 30% fat, but it still can't be whipped. Light whipping cream = whipping cream (with a butterfat content of 30 - 36%) and heavy cream = heavy whipping cream (with at least 36% fat) are heavy enough to whip, and aren't as prone as lower-fat creams to curdling in sauces. The higher the butterfat content, the less beating is required to get whipped cream. Europeans go for even heavier creams, like double cream (with a butterfat content of 42%), extra-thick double cream, and clotted cream = Devonshire cream , which is often spread like butter over scones. Look for clotted cream in large supermarkets, but (perhaps luckily) the double creams are very hard to find. You can buy ultra-pasteurized versions of these creams, but they tend to have a burnt milk taste and don't whip as well.
Also known as
- Half & half
- Light cream
- Coffee cream
- Table cream
- Light whipping cream
- Whipping cream
- Heavy cream
- Heavy whipping cream
- Double cream
- Extra-thick double cream
- Clotted cream
- Devonshire cream
- Ultra-pasteurized