White distilled vinegar
This cheap vinegar gets all the mundane jobs, like making pickles, cleaning out coffee pots, and washing windows. Distilled from ethyl alcohol, it's a bit too harsh for most recipes, but it does a great job with pickles. Be careful if you're substituting another vinegar in a pickle recipe--to adequately preserve, vinegar should have an acidity level of at least 5%.
Also known as
- White vinegar
- Distilled vinegar
- Distilled white vinegar
cider vinegar (This can be used for pickling if the acidity is at least 5%--check the label. Cider vinegar may darken light-colored fruits and vegetables.) OR malt vinegar (If you're pickling with it, check the label to make sure it has at least 5% acidity. This may discolor light-colored fruits and vegetables.)