Receta Amazon’s New Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion and «Greek Delights»
Direcciones has announced a new promotion tool this past week called the Kindle Countdown Deals.
It gives the authors the opportunity to promote their books but also a big bargain for people to buy books at very low prices.
I have enrolled in this program which starts as from today in the United States and tomorrow in the U.K. and ends in one week.
Amazon launched a dedicated website at and for readers to browse deals.
Here are the links for my e-books.
At Volume 1 $0.99
At Volume 2 $0.99
At Amazon.U.K.: Volume 1 £0.99
At Amazon U.K.: Volume 2 £0.99
The first 53 hours my books will be discounted at 91% so each volume will be sold at $0.99 at…