Esta es una exhibición prevé de cómo se va ver la receta de 'Apple-Blackberry Cake' imprimido.

Receta Apple-Blackberry Cake
by Katherine Martin

Apple-Blackberry Cake

To quote Titanic: "Hello! Is anyone alive out there?" Well yes, yes I

am and my, oh my, is it mighty fine to see you again.

I read once that the worst thing a food blogger can do is

"apologize" for not posting frequently enough and that it’s annoying

to readers. Internet, I’m going to go against you for one second here and say

I’m sorry. I haven’t been completely away from my kitchen, but I’ve definitely

been neglecting it. “A” and I still cook a few times a week, but his apartment

is a little dark and I always forget my camera anyways. Then the food my

girlfriends and I make at Tuesday Girls Night usually is consumed with such

fervor that I wouldn’t have a shot at a photo anyways.

Heck, I ate kale chips and Bing cherries for dinner the other

night. While it was delicious and fulfilled my cravings, it’s not really a meal

I should brag about.

Excuses… excuses… but hey, I’m back! At work, we’ve been having a

series of “Iron Chef” bake-offs. The first round was marshmallow. That Sunday I

had a 10-hour adventure from Texas back to Seattle and was in no mood to get

down in the kitchen. Pass on that round.

Second round? Cinnamon. I ended up making some cinnamon ginger

snap cookies and toasted pecan and cinnamon ice cream sandwiches. While I failed

to take a photograph, I was victorious and won a spot in the finals.

This past Monday was round 3 and the challenge was berries. I had

been flirting with a few recipes but I ultimately decided on apple-blackberry

cake. I didn’t want anything that was loaded with sugar or overly complicated.

The dough is easy to put together; a simple whisking of the dry ingredients

into the wet, fruit is pressed in and it’s good to go in the oven. Simple,

delicious and impressive – my kind of recipe.

A few things to note though, I found myself having to put the cake in for a little longer than the recommended baking time but I wasn’t

paying attention and ended up over baking it by a minute or two. If anything,

next time I make this I would under-bake it slightly as let it firm up more in

the pan.

Either way, this is a great dish to bring to a potluck either as a

‘healthy’ dessert or a side dish at a brunch.

Adapted from Martha Stewart Living

are tender, and a cake tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 55

minutes. Let cool. Serve with whipped cream if desired.