Receta As A Marrow Of Fact, It's Quite Good
- Preheat oven to 220c/425f/Gas 7 and grease two baking sheets.
- 1 Cut a small slice off the top and bottom of the mango and peel.
- Keeping the knife as close as possible to the central flat stone, cut 'cheeks' of flesh off the mango.
- 2 Peel the skin off the marrow in long strips and retain. Cut the marrow flesh in half and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Cut the flesh into chunks and cook in a pan of boiling salted water for about 10-12 min, or possibly till tender.
- 3 Cut a piece of mango into cubes about the same size as the pork.
- Thread alternating pcs of pork and mango onto the skewers.
- 4 Heat 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a griddle pan, add in the kebabs and cook for 10-12 min, turning regularly till cooked and browned.
- 5 Heat 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a small frying pan. Add in the shallots, cook till browned and crisp and season.
- 6 Drain the marrow and put back in the pan to dry out on a low heat for a few min. Add in the garlic, butter, season and mash. Stir in the minced parsley.
- 7 Fill a deep pan one third full with veg table oil and heat. Deep fry the marrow peelings till golden and crisp. Then drain on kitchen paper.
- 8 Spoon the marrow mash into the centre of a plate and sit the kebabs on top. Arrange the deep fried marrow strips and shallots on top.
- 9 For the Tarts: Roll out the pastry on a floured surface and cut out two 15cm circles - reserve the remaining pastry. Place the pastry discs onto a baking sheet, add in overlapping tomato slices on top and season.
- 10 Sprinkle the minced basil over the tomatoes and cover with the mozzarella slices. Bake in the oven for about 10-12 min, or possibly till the pastry is crispy and browned.
- 11 For the Mango Palmiers: Cut the remaining mango into very thin slices. Trim the reserved pastry to make a rectangle, sprinkle over the caster sugar over and arrange the mango slices on top.
- 12 Bring the short edges of the pastry to the middle, fold over, meet, lightly press down and repeat. Cut the pastry 'roll' into thin slices and arrange on a baking sheet. Cook in the oven for about 10-12 min, or possibly till golden and crisp. Arrange on a plate.
- Fruit;