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Receta Bake And Leave Chicken - Detailed Nutritional Facts

Nutritional information for the following ingredients is not included. Normally this is because the ingredient is unknown, the measurement is imprecise e.g. “to taste”, or the ingredient is optional).
1 stk margerine
1 x Broiler-fryer, (about 3 1/2 lbs) cut up Paprika Pepper
Learn more about how we calculate nutritional information, and always consult a registered dietician or your physician before embarking on any diet plan which relies on these numbers, and for any other questions.
Amount Per Serving
1 servings in recipe
lemon juice
chicken breasts
Total Per Serving Total for Recipe
Protein (g) 0.35 6.8 87.07 94.22 94.22
Total Fat (g) 0.0 0.75 38.63 39.38 39.38
Carbohydrates (g) 7.9 7.22 0.0 15.11 15.11
Ash (g) 0.24 1.87 4.22 6.33 6.33
Calories (kcal) 22.875 48.399 718.272 789.546 789.546
Starch (g) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0
Sucrose (g) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0
Glucose (dextrose) (g) n/a 3.26 n/a 3.26 3.26
Fructose (g) n/a 0.37 n/a 0.37 0.37
Lactose (g) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0
Maltose (g) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0
Alcohol (g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Water (g) 83.02 203.34 290.06 576.43 576.43
Caffeine (mg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Theobromine (mg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sugars (g) 2.2 3.63 0.0 5.83 5.83
Galactose (g) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0
Dietary Fiber (g) 0.4 2.2 0.0 2.6 2.6
Calcium (mg) 6.405 6.6 45.936 58.941 58.941
Iron (mg) 0.03 1.1 3.09 4.22 4.22
Magnesium (mg) 5.49 19.8 104.4 129.69 129.69
Phosphorus (mg) 5.49 189.197 726.624 921.311 921.311
Potassium (mg) 113.46 699.587 918.72 1731.767 1731.767
Sodium (mg) 0.915 11.0 263.088 275.003 275.003
Zinc (mg) 0.05 1.14 3.34 4.53 4.53
Copper (mg) 0.027 0.704 0.167 0.898 0.898
Manganese (mg) 0.009 0.11 0.084 0.203 0.203
Selenium (mcg) 0.1 20.5 69.3 89.9 89.9
Vitamin A, IU (IU) 18.3 0.0 346.608 364.908 364.908
Retinol (mcg) 0.0 0.0 100.224 100.224 100.224
Vitamin A, RAE (mcg_RAE) 0.915 0.0 104.4 105.315 105.315
Beta Carotene (mcg) 2.745 0.0 0.0 2.745 2.745
Vitamin E (mg) 0.14 0.02 1.29 1.45 1.45
Vitamin D (IU) n/a 39.599 n/a 39.599 39.599
Lycopene (mcg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lutein + zeaxanthin (mcg) 8.235 0.0 0.0 8.235 8.235
Tocopherol, beta (mg) n/a 0.02 n/a 0.02 0.02
Tocopherol, gamma (mg) n/a 0.02 0.13 0.15 0.15
Tocopherol, delta (mg) n/a 0.02 n/a 0.02 0.02
Vitamin C (mg) 42.1 4.6 0.0 46.7 46.7
Thiamin (mg) 0.027 0.176 0.251 0.454 0.454
Riboflavin (mg) 0.009 0.88 0.376 1.265 1.265
Niacin (mg) 0.092 7.942 41.384 49.418 49.418
Pantothenic acid (mg) 0.092 3.3 3.341 6.732 6.732
Vitamin B-6 (mg) 0.046 0.22 2.213 2.479 2.479
Folate (mcg) 11.895 35.199 16.704 63.798 63.798
Vitamin B-12 (mcg) 0.0 0.09 1.42 1.51 1.51
Choline (mg) 4.7 38.1 280.2 322.9 322.9
Folic acid (mcg) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tryptophan (g) n/a 0.088 1.002 1.09 1.09
Threonine (g) n/a 0.242 3.633 3.875 3.875
Isoleucine (g) n/a 0.176 4.427 4.603 4.603
Leucine (g) n/a 0.264 6.389 6.653 6.653
Lysine (g) n/a 0.242 7.224 7.466 7.466
Methionine (g) n/a 0.066 2.339 2.405 2.405
Cystine (g) n/a 0.022 1.128 1.15 1.15
Phenylalanine (g) n/a 0.198 3.424 3.622 3.622
Tyrosine (g) n/a 0.088 2.84 2.928 2.928
Valine (g) n/a 0.506 4.26 4.766 4.766
Arginine (g) n/a 0.176 5.387 5.563 5.563
Histidine (g) n/a 0.132 2.631 2.763 2.763
Alanine (g) n/a 0.44 4.969 5.409 5.409
Aspartic acid (g) n/a 0.44 7.767 8.207 8.207
Glutamic acid (g) n/a 0.748 12.862 13.61 13.61
Glycine (g) n/a 0.198 5.136 5.334 5.334
Proline (g) n/a 0.176 3.967 4.143 4.143
Serine (g) n/a 0.198 3.048 3.246 3.246
Cholesterol (mg) 0.0 0.0 267.264 267.264 267.264
Trans Fat (g) n/a n/a 0.501 0.501 0.501
Saturated Fat (g) 0.0 0.088 11.108 11.196 11.196
Phytosterols (mg) n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 0.0 0.0 15.952 15.952 15.952
Polyunsaturated (g) 0.0 0.308 8.185 8.493 8.493