Receta Cheap , Fast, and Totally In Control Scallops With Rice Ramen
We're in the midst of a lot of work. In between fire evacuations, and PG&E blackouts, we've been trying to get a TV pilot finished and out of the house. Since I cook most days, I always need things that can be cooked up quickly with minimum fuss and with ingredients I already have in hand. I keep a lot of fish in my freezer since Alan has switched to a piscetarian diet. I always have vegetables and herbs in the garden and I am now a huge fan of these cheaper than cheap Rice Ramen Noodles from Lotus
I started buying these for myself a few years ago when I wanted something easy and quick to mix with some vegetables for my dinner. Now I keep them in the house as a change from basmati rice in some dishes. The noodles are…
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