Receta Chicken 'N Dumplings, Country Style

- Simmer in a heavy covered kettle till tender. Takes 3 to 4 hrs. Cold chicken and refrigeratebroth. Skim the fat from the broth. Remove meat from bones in large pcs, moisten with a little broth and set aside. Measure the broth and add in sufficient canned chicken broth to make 6 c..
- (Do not use water, you are making a sauce, not soup.) Thicken reheated broth with a smooth paste made from 3/4 c. flour and 1 c. water. Simmer, stirring till slightly thickened. Bring broth to boil up over them, add in another layer and repeat for tenderness. Add in chicken and pour into heated bowl. With a tossed salad and light dessert this should serve 6, but my, three manage to scrape the bowl!