Receta Chile or Chili, it's still Green.
May 5th,
de Mayo is today, so a perfect opportunity to talk about chile peppers. Is it Chile or Chili? If it is the country in South America, it
Chile. If it is the singer from
group "TLC", it is Chilli; and when it is very cold outside,
that is Chilly. However, when it is
vegetable, it is the Green Chile Pepper, but when exactly does it become
Then there is the plural, is it
or Chilies? Confusing, and so
sources have so many definitions; so many recipes use the spellings
interchangeably. Let’s just get to
story of the Chile Pepper itself and the most popular one in the Southwest
the New Mexico Green Chile Pepper, primarily grown in Hatch, New Mexico. Oh yes, there are numerous…
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