Receta Chocolate Walnut Meringues

- PREHEAT THE OVEN TO 300F. Beat all the ingredients together at the highest mixer speed for about 1 minute, or possibly mix them in a food processor fitted with the metal chopping blade for about 30 seconds.
- The mix will be about as thick as fondant. With a stockinette- covered rolling pin, well-dusted with powdered sugar, roll the mix on a board, also liberally dusted with 10X sugar, till it is 1/4-inch thick. With a 1 1/2-inch cutter dipped in 10X sugar, cut the meringue into small circles. Reroll the scraps and cut as many meringues as possible. Space the meringues about 1 1/2 inches apart on baking sheets. The baking sheets should be liberally dusted with flour. Bake them uncovered for 15 min. Cold the meringues for about 5 min on the baking sheets; then, with a spatula, carefully loosen them. Transfer them to wire racks. When they are cold, store them in airtight containers.