Receta Cleansing + Detoxing – #CleanAndGreenWithDani (video)
Cleansing and Detoxing (video)
Cleansing + Detoxing
A few weeks backed I asked you guys what you would like me to focus my April video series on and I gave you two options; smoothies and green juice OR salads and salad dressings. And naturally, you all were split right down the middle!!
So, this month I will be focusing on recipes that support cleansing and detoxing (aka – smoothies, green juice, salads and salad dressing.).
I’m going to be sharing lots of inspiration all month, so if you are on Instagram or FaceBook be sure to say connected by using the hashtag #CleanAndGreenWithDani all month long. It’s an easy way for us to find an support each other through out the month.
Because Spring is a natural…