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Dry Masala Crabs - Recipe Cost

Cost information for the following is not included. Normally this is because the quantity or ingredient is unknown
1 kg blue flower crabs
3 x 4cm piece ginger - pounded
10 x shallots
2 x cm piece belacan or possibly 1 tsp belacan pwdr
4 x candlenuts (buah keras)
2 x cm piece cinnamon stick
3 x cardamom pods ('buah pelaga') - remove the husks and use only the tiny seeds inside
10 x curry leaves
1 x pandan leaf - knotted
2 stalk lemon grass - bruised
3 Tbsp. chillie paste
1/2 c. UHT lowfat milk
Ingredients Per Recipe Qty Common Price Price per Recipe
1 Tbsp. turmeric pwdr 1 tbsp
$6.99 per 16 ounces
1 c. corn flour or possibly tapioca flour 1 cup
$2.69 per 16 ounces
5 clv garlic 5 garlic garlic
$4.00 per pound
5 x cloves ('buah cengkih') 5 cloves
$5.29 per 2 ounces
1 tsp grnd fennel ('jintan manis') 1 tsp
$2.10 per pound
1 tsp grnd cumin ('jintan putih') 1 tsp
$1.69 per 1 1/4 ounces
1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp
$2.91 per 16 ounces
1 Tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp
$1.44 per pound
1 tsp black pepper pwdr 1 tsp
$7.99 per 16 ounces
Total Recipe $1.35
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