Receta Dutch oven Herbed Idaho Potato Bread
Dutch oven Herbed Idaho® Potato Bread
Two loafs of bread from just one Idaho® potato? Well, almost!
It does take a Idaho® potato to make this delicious Herbed Idaho® Potato Bread, plus a wee bit of flour, salt, yeast, fresh herbs and a 10″ Dutch oven.
The steps are easy and the results are delicious!
My friends over at the Idaho® Potato Commission asked me to come up with a few recipes using Idaho® Potatoes in a Dutch oven – Something I am eagerly willing to do!
My recipe uses the “Sponge and Dough” method of baking:
The sponge and dough method is a two-step bread making process: in the first step a sponge is made and allowed to ferment for a period of time, and in the second step the sponge is added…