Receta EASY Gluten Free Veggie Risotto
During the summer, Parrish and I would often plan a few suppers during the week with an easy fix: Big Salad.
I love Big Salads because you can modify the ingredients to the veggies you have on hand, which helps make sure that fresh produce doesn’t go to waste. I also love how quick a Big Salad can come together. Less than 30 minutes for supper on the table is ideal for me during the week!
However, I’m realizing that a Big Salad is really only appetizing during the summer. I got home from work last night and read ‘Big Salad’ on the menu, and my stomach did not swoon. It was such a chilly day yesterday, and the last thing I wanted was a cold salad.
So I improvised, and created what will definitely be the ‘Big Salad’ of…