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Receta Egg White Roll Cake 蛋白蛋糕券 {Cookbook Giveaway}
by Anncoo

Yesterday was the 7th day of Chinese Lunar New Year which is referred to as Ren Ri 人日(everybody's birthday) and it also happened to be Valentine's day. So how did you celebrate that day with your loved ones? I made a simple cake roll with leftover egg whites. This roll cake is light, soft, moist and filled with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. A very delicious cake treat not to be missed.

很兴奋跟你们分享我的喜悦。这本新书"愛做菜的網絡紅人“集合了10位部落格网友的美食作品。谢谢食尚品味的编辑,设计师和摄影师让出书的愿望成真!这本食谱书Flip, Don't Click: 50 Offline Recipes将在这个星期内在各大书局開始發售,一本SGD21.90。

To show my appreciation for all readers support to my blog, Anncoo Journal, I'm giving away 5 copies of the cookbook to 5 readers. To take part, simply complete the Rafflecopter below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to all Wordwide

Only one entry per person is allowed. Any entrant who enters more than once will be disqualified

Egg White Roll Cake



Preheat oven to 160 deg C. Line and brush a 11 x 11 inch cake tray with little oil.

Combine oil, milk and sugar together in a bowl, blend well. Sieve in plain flour, rice flour and vanilla powder, mix well with a hand whisk.

Whisk egg whites to foamy and add sugar in batches and beat until peak form.

Add one-third of meringue to flour mixture and fold in lightly with a rubber spatula, then add remaining meringue and fold through until just incorporated. Pour batter into prepared cake pan and spread evenly with a palette knife.

Bake for about 12-15 minutes until cake springy to touch. When cake is done, unmould from pan, remove parchment paper and leave to cool.

Whip fresh cream to peak form and spread evenly onto white sponge cake and place whole strawberries on top.

Gently roll up sponge cake from the edge and refrigerate for few hours until firm. Trim the sides of the cake roll and dust with some icing sugar on top. Decorate it as desired before serving.

3汤匙 菜油

60克 牛奶

20克 细糖

40克 普通面粉

10克 粘米粉

1/4茶匙 香草香精粉

4个 蛋白 (约140克)

35克 细糖

120克 植物性奶油

8颗 草莓

预热烤箱致摄氏160度。 准备一个11寸方烤盘,底部铺纸刷上少许油,备用。


倒入烤盘里抹平,送进烤箱烤约12-15分钟。 蛋糕烤好后,立刻从烤箱取出,倒扣撕去底部烤纸,待凉。