Receta Failures and New Year Resolutions

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Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead. ~Yvoone Woon

We're closing in on the end of the year. Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013! There's something wonderful about starting a fresh new year. It's new, but you get to bring in everything you learned from prior years to make this year your best ever. I love goal setting and New Year's Resolutions--it's amazing how many goals you achieve once you actually articulate them.

This year I'm adding a new twist - I'm going to dwell on my failures. Not in a morose, beat myself up for being suchaloser way, but I'm going to take time to think about the things that sucked this year. I've seen too much advice like "Don't sweat it, don't regret it, just move…

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