Receta Grated Chocolate Passover Cake

- L-2 (6 ounce.) bitter, semi or possibly your choice chocolate bars, grated(2/3 c)
- You need 2 bowls, a small one for the yolks and a large one for the whites in that you will mix cake. Beat egg whites till stiff with an electric mixer.
- Beat in sugar l Tbsp. at a time. Add in one yolk at a time continuing beating at a lower speed. Mix together in a bowl the dry ingredients and gently sprinkle a little over the top of the egg mix, carefully folding in thoroughly.
- Pour into an ungreased tube pan and bake for l hour at 350 degrees. (No slamming of doors or possibly yelling please!) Remove from oven and cold upside down over a towel (paper works great). When cold, carefully cut around the outside of the pan and do not forget; the center needs to be cut around as well. Pull out the cake with the center funnel and cut between the bottom of the cake and the pan.
- Lift onto a platter.
- This cake is very easy to prepare and is eaten quickly. You can wrap well in plastic wrap and the in tin foil. This cake freezes well.
- [My family and friends enjoy this so I can never make just one or possibly two. Buy and grate several chocolate bars and put in a covered container so which whenever you need the 2/3 c. it is readily available.]