Receta Grilled Artichokes with Garlic-Chive Aioli

- Combine all of the aioli ingredients in a small mixing bowl, whisk well, cover and refrigerate at least one hour to allow the flavors to marry.
- Now work on the artichokes. Add about a gallon of cold water to a stock pot and stir in the 1/2 cup of lemon juice.
- Rinse the artichokes well under cold water, then shake off the excess water.
- Trim about 1/2â³ from the stem, and 1 1/2â³ from the top of one artichoke.
- Using kitchen shears or scissors, trim about 1/2â³ from the tip of each petal.
- Then use a knife to slice the artichoke in half vertically.
- Using a melon baller or a spoon, scoop out the choke (the hairy looking thing and the purple leaves) from each half of the artichoke.
- Put the artichoke in the lemon water. You are just soaking them right now â youâll cook them later. Soaking in the lemon water prevents the cut portions from turning brown. Repeat the process with the remaining artichokes.
- About 45 minutes before youâre ready to serve, remove the artichokes from the stock pot, drain the water, add about an inch of fresh water and a steamer basket to the pot.
- Steam the artichokes over the boiling water for 20 minutes.
- While the artichokes are steaming, start your grill and prepare for indirect cooking at medium-high heat (350-375ºF).
- Remove the artichokes from the steamer basket to a sheet pan and season each half liberally with salt and pepper.
- Spray both sides of each half with canola oil spray.
- Grill the artichokes cut-side-up over indirect heat for 15 minutes.
- Turn the artichokes over and grill over indirect heat for another 10 minutes.
- Serve with the aioli and enjoy!