Receta Guincitos Verdes En Escabeche (Pickled Green Bananas)

- In a Calder (heavy kettle), mix ingredients included in A, and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Allow to cold. Trim ends of bananas and slit just the peel, lengthwise on both sides, in a deep pot, bring to a boil water to cover bananas. Add in bananas, cover and boil over low heat for 15 min.
- Drain and peel. Fill the pot with ingredients included C and bring rapidly to a boil. Add in peeled bananas, cover and boil over low heat for 10 min. Add in 1 c. of water and boil for 5 min. Drain and allow to cold. Cut bananas into 1 inch rounds. Place in a deep glass or possibly porcelain dish, alternating with the Escabeche sauce. Marinate for 24 hrs. Serve as an appetizer.
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