Receta Pairing Exotically Flavored Artisanal Salume with a Raw Milk Gouda
Today I have brought in Barrie Lynn– The Cheese Impresario to do a cheese and artisanal salume pairing for us. Whenever Barrie Lynn stops by you know it’s going to be delicious. But today we also want to bring your attention to an organization called Slow Money, it’s affiliated with Slow Food, USA.
Slow Money was “inspired by the vision of Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: Investing As If Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered, published in 2009, the Slow Money Alliance is bringing people together around a new conversation about money that is too fast, about finance that is disconnected from people and place, about how we can begin fixing our economy from the ground up… starting with food.”
To help raise awareness (and…