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Receta Pecan Turtle Brownies
by Bill Harris

I was a skinny kid. And when I say skinny I mean really skinny. At high school graduation, I was 6’1″ and weighed 130 pounds. All through my childhood, I possessed a voracious appetite. School lunches sucked, so by the time I was home at 3:00, I was ravenous and raiding the refrigerator. I’m not kidding you when I say I snacked until dinnertime around 6:00. I would eat dinner and most likely have another nosh before bed.

On special occasions, usually around Christmas, a box of Millionaires candies would appear briefly at our house. I say briefly, because “you know who” could eat the entire box in one sitting. If you’ve never heard of Millionaires, they’re basically turtles or chocolate covered candies made from caramel and pecans.

I’m not sure what made me think of Millionaires candies this week, but my craving for these delicious treats had me thinking about creating some kind of variation on chocolate turtles. What better variation than brownies topped with chocolate chips, pecans, and a luscious caramel sauce, right?

I have some experience making different forms of caramel such as icing for Caramel Cake and dulce de leche for Salted Caramel Brownies, but I’d never made a caramel sauce for drizzling. The process is very similar to making caramel icing but it’s actually much easier. The sauce requires your constant attention for about 10 minutes, but the final product is so worth the effort.

You start by putting sugar in a heavy skillet or sauce pan and letting it melt over fairly high heat. When the sugar has melted, it begins to darken very quickly. The first batch I made got a little too dark so I had to start over. When the sugar begins to turn an amber color, you’ll want to move quickly to finish the sauce. The sauce will harden when cooled, so I suggest letting it cool slightly until it’s not too thin but still suitable for drizzling over the brownies.

If you like turtles candies like I do, I feel certain you’ll love these brownies. They’re a great treat for picnics, a day at the lake, or to finish off a summer cookout. Enjoy!

Pecan Turtle Brownies


1. Transfer sugar to a heavy large skillet or sauce pan and place over medium high heat. After about 3 or 4 minutes the sugar will begin melting. When melting begin moving the sugar around the pan with a whisk. The sugar will begin clumping which is normal.

2. Continue whisking until sugar is completely melted. At this point begin watching very carefully as the sugar can burn very quickly. When the sugar begins turning an amber color, add butter and continue whisking until butter is melted. The sugar will bubble vigorously.

3. When the butter is melted, remove from heat and add cream. Continue whisking until well combined. Add salt and whisk to combine. Let sauce cool until the consistency is suitable for drizzling over brownies.

For the brownies:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 9"x9" baking pan or 7"x11" ceramic dish with parchment paper. Spray with cooking spray.

2. In a double boiler or heat resistant bowl over a pot of simmering water, melt 10 ounces of chocolate chips and butter. Whisk until smooth. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Whisk flour, baking power, salt, cocoa powder and espresso powder together in a small bowl.

4. Whisk eggs in a small bowl. Add sugar in small amounts, whisking until well combined. Blend in vanilla extract.

5. Add melted chocolate to egg mixture and whisk until combined.

6. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture in small amounts, whisking until incorporated. Do not over mix.

7. Pour the batter into baking dish.

8. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven briefly and top with pecans and 3 ounces of chocolate chips. Return dish to oven and continue baking for 10 to 15 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.

9. Drizzle slightly cooled caramel sauce over the top of the brownies. Cool completely on a cooling rack before cutting.2.2

I grew up in small town Mississippi eating traditional southern fare.A lifelong foodie, I started cooking and experimenting with food at a very young age. I started Southern Boy Dishes as a creative outlet and a way to share my love of food.

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