Receta Perfect Pear Tart
I like this recipe even better than apple pie. With pears in season, the fruit is tender, sweet and juicy! It’s easy to prepare Irish Moss Paste in advance and freeze in cubes. Defrost, and you are ready to go. This recipe is actually pretty quick and easy. Give it a try...and comment
Perfect Pear
Crust Ingredients1 cup almonds (soaked overnight)12-14 medjool dates,
1/2 t vanilla extract (or 2 drops Medicine Flower
pinch Himalayan salt Filling Ingredients1 1/2 cups apple, peeled, cored and
1/4 cup *Irish moss paste ( or 3 Tbs ground chia)3 cups pear, peeled and coarsely chopped1/2 cup ripe pear, thinly sliced (use remaining pear for garnish)2 tsp cinnamon1 tsp vanilla extract (2 drops Medicine Flower…
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