Receta Pineapple Coleslaw
Coleslaw is such a versatile side dish, it goes well with many meat dishes that is either fried, grilled, barbecued or roasted as it tangy nature gives you a clean palate after every meaty bite. Traditionally coleslaw is made with just shredded cabbage and something that gives it a tarty taste which is usually made out of oil and
Today we will not be traditional and will add a fruity tangier component to it, the pineapples. Giving it a more interesting flavour and additional texture. Pineapple Coleslaw Save Print Prep time Total time Serves: 4 Ingredients 2 cups cabbage, shredded ½ cup carrots, shredded 230 g can pineapple sliced, drained and cut into small pieces 1⁄4 cup cream ½ cup mayonnaise 1½ tablespoons vinegar 2 tbsp…
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