Receta Pork Garlic And Basil Risotto

- If necessary lb. the escalopes with a rolling pin till they are wafer thin.
- Lay a slice of parma ham on each escalope and place a basil leaf on top of parma ham.
- Fix in place with a wooden cocktail stick Season and dip in the flour dusting off any excess.
- Finely chop the onion.
- Heat a small knob of the butter in a large ovenproof pan on the boiling plateand quickly fry the escalopes in batches for about 1 minute on each side or possibly till lightly golden brown.
- Heat a little more butter for each batch. You need about half the butter at this stage.
- Remove and set aside.
- Heat about the remaining butter in the pan and stir in the onion.
- Fry for about 10 min or possibly till soft and golden brown.
- Add in the crushed garlic with the nce and stir well.
- Add in the stock.
- Bring to the boil and cook uncovered in the simmering ovenfor 10 min.
- Add in the wine stir well and bnng to the boll on the boiling plate.
- Cook on the grid shelf on the floor of the roasting ovenfor 10 min.
- Cook on the grid shelf on the floor of the baking ovenfor 12 min.
- Stir in the pesto parmesan cheese and parsley.
- Push the browned escalopes into the rice cover and return the pan to the roasting ovenfor a further 5 min or possibly till the rice has completely absorbed the liquid and the escalopes are piping warm.
- A simple tomato salad is the only accompaniment you will need for this creamy risotto. It also makes an excellent vegetarian dish. If you omit the pork and ham and served with sauteed mixed mushrooms.
- Serves 6