Receta Pots &Co, Delicious Little Desserts In What Else....Pots!
Who doesn't like dessert??? The answer to that would be a big fat..NOBODY! Nothing's better after any sort of meal than a sweet treat, just to finish things off. Now, in the days of quarantine, and sheltering in place we need those treats even more and with everything else that one has going on in a given day, work, home school, cleaning, cooking, and pet amusement, not a lot of thought gets put toward dessert. After all, we're all out there feeding our sourdough starter and trying to perfect our bread baking skills. I know I
But no one lives by bread alone, or crackers, or waffles, or pancakes, or biscuits or the numerous other things I've been making with my sourdough discard. And I haven't had the time or the energy to get…
View Full Recipe at The Colors Of Indian Cooking